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MilkWorks IR+ Whole Food Moringa, Myo Inositol + D-Chiro-Inositol and Beta Glucans Blend for Optimal Milk Production

Was: $49.99
Now: $39.99
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The first Myo Inositol, D-Chiro-Inositol, Moringa and Beta Glucans blend to support optimal milk production! 
MilkWorks IR+ is a Whole Food Based Supplement formulated to support optimal milk production by balancing prolacin, oxytocin, glucose and insulin
Myo-inositol can help with insulin resistance and increase milk supply by improving insulin sensitivity and make cells more receptive to insulin's actions. This can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance and increase your milk-making hormones such as prolactin and oxytocin.

D-chiro-inositol is a form of inositol that acts as a secondary messenger in insulin signaling pathways and plays a role in glucose metabolism. In women with PCOS, there is often an imbalance between myo-inositol and d-chiro-inositol (with lower levels of DCI observed)

Supplementation with D-Chiro-Inositol helps to restore this balance and has been associated with improvements in insulin sensitivity, reduction in androgen levels, and increase in milk production in women with PCOS.



It's been proven in research that Moringa Leaf increases maternal serum prolactin levels and milk volume. It's also known to contain various essential elements and nutrients that are crucial for breastmilk production such as:

  • VITAMINS: Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K
  • MINERALS: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc
  • ANTIOXIDANTS: flavonoids, polyphenols + amino acids

Moringa is also known for reducing oxidative stress leading to a decrease in inflammation levels


Beta-glucans are a type of polysaccharide found in various natural sources, including certain mushrooms, oats, barley, and yeast.

Beta-glucans, in direct contact with the pituitary gland, increase prolactin levels. Beta glcuans are also extremely important for gut microbiome as they serve a sfood for the good bacteria (probiotics)


Start with 1 capsule of MilkWorks IR + 3 times per day and continue while breastfeeding or pumping to optimize your milk production



No herbal supplement for low milk supply should be used without supervision of your IBCLC (Board Certified Lactation Consultant). An IBCLC can help rule out most common causes of low milk supply such as infrequent pumping/breastfeeding, issue with breastmilk transfer caused by oral dysfuctions such as tongue and lip ties, incorrect flange size or poor quality breast pump and more. 

16 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 4
    Works but pricey

    Posted by Langel on 26th Nov 2023

    I started taking these pills as prescribed and almost immediately saw results. The pills are horse pills to be taken 3x a day. It probably helped that I also increased my water intake by mixing coconut water and a hydration packet into half a gallon of water. That said, these pills are pricey so you have to balance is they're worth it to you.

  • 5
    Only thing that has helped

    Posted by Sarah on 22nd Sep 2023

    When I started my pump journey going back to work I struggled to get a let down without my baby. My lactation consult suggested this and I have seen such difference. It has been the only thing that has helped with my supply and continuing to have letdowns!

  • 5
    This is it!

    Posted by Chelsea Anderson on 5th Sep 2023

    Of course there are many possible reasons for low milk supply. I assumed mine was hormonal, specific to the return of my period. It doesn’t matter if my period returns at 2 months pp or 5 months pp, I always go from being an over producer to being an under producer. 5-7oz every 2-3hrs to 1-2 oz every 2-3hrs, when replacing a feed. I only pump while at work but can tell baby gets frustrated at the breast when at home. Calcium/Mag supplements seemed to help a tiny bit, but not much. This stuff works. Inositol helped me get pregnant with both my children so I learned a lot about it. After my son I started to wonder about its role in lactation and came across this product. I’m now back to over producing, not by much, but anything over baby’s intake is considered an over producer. My ONLY complaint is the price, I do wish it were a bit cheaper. However, there’s nothing else like it out there. The ingredients can be purchased separately but I can’t attest to their quality or effectiveness, so I will continue to purchase what I know works!

  • 5
    Worked really well

    Posted by Eric Flowers on 4th Sep 2023

    Got it for my wife after she had a low milk supply visit and we have identified that she has low prolactin levels. Not only did it help increase her milk amount she is also no longer having low iron levels which is the first time since even before pregnancy and she seems to have much more energy. I’m so thankful for this supplement and we’ll constitute using it and recommend it to everyone we can!

  • 5
    saved me

    Posted by Maria Stanek on 4th Aug 2023

    This is kind of a long story so try to bear with me. When my baby was a newborn I was pumping like crazy because the hospital told me to. I was producing so much where it was at least 3oz per side every time I pumped. Flash forward to now and my baby is 5 months old and sleeping through the night however, she cluster feeds before going to bed. I started to dry up, before she was satisfied at bedtime I started stressing to the point of bawling my eyes out and my husband was extremely stressed as well. We were at our wits end. So I took to the internet. I looked at one other product from another company I like but that product didn't have good reviews. I also like this company because they helped me get sized for flanges! I kid you not the next morning after my first day taking these I felt more full. It's now day 3 and I have PLENTY of milk for my baby at bedtime. I am so incredibly grateful to this product! I can't speak for everyone but it definitely works for me!

  • 5
    Very effective

    Posted by Haley on 29th Jun 2023

    I have been struggling with low milk supply due to my C-section (suspected). I have been trying EVERYTHING that’s been recommended to me. I ordered these and saw a good jump in milk production the following day. I stopped all other supplements that weren’t hydration based. I saw another jump in supply after stopping other supplements. I got my first 5oz pump after consistently getting 2oz pumps for 3 weeks after taking these for a week. Worth the money!!

  • 5
    High quality supplements

    Posted by Amey on 26th Jun 2023

    I have been so impressed with the quality of the MilkWorks IR+ supplements. No one else is addressing insulin resistance and the affects on milk supply like Lactation Hub. I have these supplements in my office for sale because I have seen how effective they are.